Mark Zdor, speech to the European Parliament on discrimination and persecution of the Indigenous people in Russia 21.02.2025Categories News
The Russian Arctic in War Time: What Do We Know and What Can We Expect? 18.02.2025Categories ICIPR events
The European Parliament discussed the problems of Indigenous Peoples 17.02.2025Categories ICIPR events
Input for a Thematic Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders Working in Rural and Remoted Areas Russian Federation Repressions against independent defenders of the rights of Indigenous Peoples. 31.10.2024Categories ICIPR reports
Yana Tannagasheva participated in the Second intersessional meeting of the Human Rights Council on concrete ways to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Council 31.10.2024Categories News
The rights of indigenous peoples in Russia were discussed at the OSCE ODIHR Conference 16.10.2024Categories News
A joint side event of Arctida and ADC Memorial Brussels at the OSCE Human Rights Conference 01.10.2024Categories News
The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on 9 August is a day to promote Indigenous Peoples’ Rights 09.08.2024Categories News
The appeal to UN with regards to including 55 indigenous organizations from Russia to the list of extremists and terrorists organizations 30.07.2024Categories ICIPR statements
The statement of the International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR) regarding the inclusion of 55 associations in the list of “extremist organizations” 27.07.2024Categories ICIPR statements
Report on RAIPON (Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North) 30.06.2024Categories ICIPR reports
Statement by the organizations of Indigenous Peoples of Russia on the “Election” of the president of the Russian Federation 29.03.2024Categories News
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Russia should not discriminate children from vulnerable groups 08.03.2024Categories News
Government urged to ‘enforce’ sanctions on Australian coalminer still operating in Russia 06.07.2023Categories Antiwar, News
Nothing about us without us. An Open Letter from russia’s Indigenous and Decolonial Activists 04.04.2023Categories Antiwar, News
Joint report on the situation in Russia in the frame of the UPR: racism and discrimination based on ethnicity, migration status and citizenship 04.04.2023Categories ICIPR reports
Racism in Russia: Report of ADC Memorial and International Committee of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia to the UN CERD 22.03.2023Categories ICIPR reports
Dmitry Berezhkov. Indigenous peoples are an integral part of the Arctic security 11.03.2023Categories ICIPR articles, News
Sápmi as a Traditional Sámi Land in Four Countries Supports Sámi Activist from Russia in Having his Asylum Case Processed in Norway 01.03.2023Categories News