Government urged to ‘enforce’ sanctions on Australian coalminer still operating in Russia 06.07.2023Categories Antiwar, News
Nothing about us without us. An Open Letter from russia’s Indigenous and Decolonial Activists 04.04.2023Categories Antiwar, News
Alexey Bessudnov. Ethnic and regional inequalities in the Russian military fatalities in the 2022 war in Ukraine 20.12.2022Categories Antiwar, News
How the Pope’s Racist Comments Parrot Russian Propaganda 06.12.2022Categories Antiwar, News, Self-determination
The appeal of the Free Nations League to Pope Francis 04.12.2022Categories Antiwar, News, Self-determination
Fleeing Russia, Andrei seeks asylum in what for him still is historical homeland, Sapmi 03.12.2022Categories Antiwar, News
Ekaterina Zmyvalova. The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples’ Rights in Russia 02.12.2022Categories Antiwar, News
Russian asylum seekers who boated to Alaska island are Indigenous, Murkowski says 25.10.2022Categories Antiwar, News
Mobilization. Appeal of the International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia to the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East 23.09.2022Categories Antiwar, ICIPR statements