Yana Tannagasheva participated in the Second intersessional meeting of the Human Rights Council on concrete ways to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Council 31.10.2024
The appeal to UN with regards to including 55 indigenous organizations from Russia to the list of extremists and terrorists organizations 30.07.2024
The statement of the International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR) regarding the inclusion of 55 associations in the list of “extremist organizations” 27.07.2024
Input for a Thematic Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders Working in Rural and Remoted Areas Russian Federation Repressions against independent defenders of the rights of Indigenous Peoples. 31.10.2024
Joint report on the situation in Russia in the frame of the UPR: racism and discrimination based on ethnicity, migration status and citizenship 04.04.2023